What are some quotes by Louis XVI?


According to The History Learning Site, Louis XVI famously said, "I have no intention of sharing my authority." This comment regarded France's political system of absolutism. Louis XVI was the king of France from 1774 until 1792.


Only the first one on the website is surely Louis XVI's. The others are coming up on Google as either Louis XVI's or Louis XIV's.

If someone is quoting Louis XVI, then the quotation will be attributed to him. If someone else said it, it would (should) be attributed to that person.

To find quotes by Louis XVI, you can start by searching for historical records, speeches, or books written about him. Here are a few quotes attributed to Louis XVI:

1. "I have loved my people as a father; I could not abandon them." - This quote reflects Louis XVI's sense of duty and responsibility towards his subjects.

2. "I die innocent of all the crimes laid to my charge; I pity my persecutors, but my blood will fall on France." - These were reportedly Louis XVI's final words before his execution during the French Revolution.

3. "The King must die so that the country can live." - This quote illustrates the philosophy of the revolutionaries who saw the execution of Louis XVI as necessary for the progress and survival of the French nation.

It's important to note that the accuracy and context of these quotes may vary, as historical records can include differing accounts. To obtain a comprehensive list of Louis XVI's quotes, it is best to consult historical biographies, books on the French Revolution, or official documents from that era.