I have to study for a spanish quiz on these legends in this book called:

Leyendas Latinoamericanas By Genevieve Barlow

I have to know what happened in all of the stories in it by tomorrow and I want a summary on them but I don't know where to look. I don't have the time to read this entire book of legends.

Why are you taking Spanish if you don't have time to do the assignments?

I found no summaries of these stories online.

You just got flamed into another dimension also if your in reichlin 210 same do

To get the information you need without reading the entire book, here's a step-by-step approach you can follow:

1. Look for an online summary: Start by searching for summaries of "Leyendas Latinoamericanas" by Genevieve Barlow. Many educational websites, book review sites, or forums might have brief summaries or overviews of the book. These summaries will provide you with a general idea of the legends and their key events.

2. Check for chapter summaries: If you are able to find a table of contents or chapter breakdown of the book, search for individual chapter summaries. This way, you can study and understand key points related to each legend separately, rather than trying to grasp the entire book.

3. Look for study guides or quizzes: Educational resources such as study guides, quiz websites, or flashcards might also contain summaries of popular legends from the book. These resources are often designed to help students prepare for tests or quizzes and can provide concise summaries or key points.

4. Check online forums or communities: Join online forums or communities dedicated to Spanish literature or language learning. These platforms often have discussions or exchange of information about specific books, including summaries. Ask for help or search through existing threads related to "Leyendas Latinoamericanas" to find brief explanations or summaries of the legends.

5. Consult classmates or teachers: Reach out to your classmates or even your teacher for guidance. They might have already read the book or know of additional resources that can help you understand the legends. Collaborating with others can give you access to different perspectives and insights, helping you gain a better understanding of the stories.

Remember, while summaries can be helpful, they may not provide the same level of detail and understanding as reading the actual stories. It's important to keep in mind that reading the book itself is the best way to fully comprehend the legends and their nuances.