What support structures do you think need to be in place for junior's to succeed at Reardan?

what does this question mean? thank you

What kind of services/support do juniors need from the school in order to succeed? Tutoring, remedial classes, AP classes, sex education, better counselling, or what would you do differently than is currently being done? More supervised activities to keep kids off the streets? I have no idea what your school is like. You do.

During the sophomore and junior years of high school is when most drop-outs occur. That is, these are the years when students who see no future in more education for themselves usually stop attending.

I think the junior year is too late to start working with such students. Preventive programs (remedial classes, etc.) need to start much sooner. These ideas often start forming in middle school (maybe even earlier), especially in students who are barely passing from one grade to the next.

This question is asking about the support structures that are necessary for junior students to be successful at Reardan, which appears to be a specific context or institution. The person who asked the question is interested in understanding what resources, programs, or systems should be in place to help junior students succeed in their academic and personal lives at Reardan. These support structures can include things like mentoring programs, tutoring services, counseling services, extracurricular activities, academic advising, or a welcoming and inclusive school culture.