0.63 is equal to

a. 0.63%
b 6.3%
C. 63%
D. 630%

63percent is the answer. what do you think?

To determine which option is equal to 0.63, you can convert the decimal value into a percentage. To convert a decimal to a percentage, multiply it by 100.

For option a, converting 0.63 to a percentage would be 0.63 x 100 = 63%. So, option a is incorrect.

For option b, converting 0.63 to a percentage would be 0.63 x 100 = 63%. So, option b is also incorrect.

For option c, converting 0.63 to a percentage would be 0.63 x 100 = 63%. So, option c is correct.

For option d, converting 0.63 to a percentage would be 0.63 x 100 = 63%. So, option d is incorrect.

Therefore, the correct answer is option C. 0.63 is equal to 63%.