Which of the following illustrate an analysis of a theme in Herman Melville’s story “Moby Dick”?

A. Captain Ahab captains a ship called the Pequod

B. The mission of the crew is to seek vengeance against the whale****

C. Humans can be weak when facing nature

D. The crew’s mission is unsuccessful

No, sorry.

Read carefully about what "theme" means:

Then re-think.

Hmmmm. So then C


Thank you :)

You're very welcome.

Be sure to bookmark that website. It's marvelous for helping you understand all those different literary terms!

I definitely will!

To determine which of the options illustrates an analysis of a theme in Herman Melville's story "Moby Dick," we need to analyze each option and consider its relevance to the overall themes explored in the story.

A. Captain Ahab captains a ship called the Pequod:
This option provides information about a character and the name of the ship, but it does not directly address any specific theme in the story. Therefore, it is not the correct answer.

B. The mission of the crew is to seek vengeance against the whale:
This option directly addresses one of the central themes in "Moby Dick," which is the theme of revenge. Captain Ahab's mission to seek vengeance against the whale drives the plot and explores the destructive nature of obsession. This option is valid.

C. Humans can be weak when facing nature:
This option touches upon a theme that is explored throughout the story – the relationship between humans and nature. The story explores the power and unpredictability of nature, which often overwhelms human attempts to conquer it. This option is also valid.

D. The crew's mission is unsuccessful:
This option refers to the outcome of the crew's mission. While it might be an important plot point, it does not directly address a specific theme in the story. Therefore, it is not the correct answer.

Based on the analysis, both options B and C illustrate an analysis of themes in Herman Melville's "Moby Dick."