What is cartography?

a. the study of maps
b. the science of creating maps***
c. the science of creating scale for maps
d. the study of scale maps

1. A relief map shows what kind of information about a location? Answer: C. Elevation

2. What is cartography? Answer: B. The science of creating maps
3. What kind of map could you use to show information about a city? Answer: All of the above

Anonymous is right

The correct answer is b. the science of creating maps.

To arrive at this answer, you can break down the options and understand the definitions of the terms provided.

a. The study of maps: This option suggests that cartography is about studying existing maps. While cartographers do study maps as part of their work, it is not the sole focus of the discipline.

b. The science of creating maps: This option correctly defines cartography. It refers to the scientific process of creating maps, which involves various techniques such as surveying, data collection, and map design.

c. The science of creating scale for maps: This option is incorrect because it describes the process of assigning a scale to a map, which is just one aspect of cartography. Cartography encompasses a broader range of activities beyond creating scales.

d. The study of scale maps: This option narrows the focus to studying maps with a specific type of scale, which is not an accurate representation of cartography as a whole.

In conclusion, by understanding the definitions provided and considering the broader scope of the discipline, we can determine that the correct answer to the question "What is cartography?" is b. the science of creating maps.
