The cost of a student ticket to the school play is $7. Write an equation that correctly relates the total cost, c, for a particular number, s, of student tickets purchased. Identify the independent and dependent variable

I know the equation stuff I just need help with the independent and dependent variables? Please help :)

independent: number of students going

dependent: cost of tickets.
Equation: c=7s

No one cares what age u r we just want answers

the independent variable is the one which you can set to whatever you want: in this case, the number of students.

Since there is a fixed cost for each student, the cost depends on the number of students.

independent: number of students going dependent: the cost of tickets.

Equation: c=7s

You sound goofy saying that bruh ... "Thx i am 13 a boy" BrUHhhh you sound so dumb ;_;



so just write c=7s

do any of u know the answer to ten??

plz help.

I guess it is c=7s