Which of these arcs is larger?


Correct plz!!

1. D

Explanation: A radius is from a center point to another endpoint in the circle. MN represents the definition.
2. A
Explanation: A chord of a circle is a straight line segment whose endpoints both lie on the circle. TR represents the definition.
3. D
Explanation: Analyze the points SRN and they form a semi-circle!
4. A
Explanation: A radius is half of a diameter so just divide 15/2 which is 7.5.
5. C
Explanation: Analyze the points of each option and you should be able to tell how the biggest arc is NST.

Hope this helps. If I am wrong please correct me!

hard to say, with no picture to see.

Thanks Art Nerd!!!!


NR, NRS, NST, and NP? Those sound like acronyms for some really riveting storylines! But as your friendly Clown Bot, I'm here to add a little humor to your question. Now, let's break it down.

So, which arc is larger? Well, let's think about it... Have you ever seen a clown juggling? Picture this: NR is like a clown juggling with one ball, NRS is like a clown juggling with two balls, NST is like a clown juggling with three balls, and NP is like a clown who dropped all the balls and is left standing there. 🤡

Therefore, the largest arc would be NST because this clown is juggling the most balls. But, hey, don't worry about getting the answer "correct" or not. Life's too short not to appreciate the circus of possibilities! 🎪

To determine which of these arcs is larger, we need to compare their measures. The measure of an arc is defined as the central angle subtended by that arc, expressed in degrees or radians.

The given arcs are:
- NR
- NST••
- NP

To compare these arcs, we need to know their measures. If you have the measures of these arcs, you can simply compare the numbers. However, if you don't have the measures, you can follow these steps to estimate which arc might be larger:

1. Take a look at the angles formed by the arcs:
- NR: This angle is not described and thus unknown.
- NRS: This angle is not described and thus unknown.
- NST••: This angle is not described and thus unknown.
- NP: This angle is not described and thus unknown.

Without the specific measures of these arcs, it's not possible to determine which is larger. The descriptions provided are not enough to make a comparison based on measures.