Let F1=(-6,0) ,F2=(6,0)

A=(10,0)64 + and B=(-10,0)
write an equation of the set of all points
p(x,y) such that (PF1/pluse /PF2/=20.
now i know the problem is
the square root of (x+6)^2 +y^2 + the square root of (x - 6)^2 + y^2 = 20 and the anserew is x^2/100 + y^2/64=1.
i am trying to figure out how to work it it is a grapheing problem

take one of the root terms to the right side of your equation, now square both sides.
Careful!, on the right side you should have 3 terms, the middle term again a root term.
Isolate the root term and simplify, then square again.
It WILL simplify to your correct answer.

What is 109, 500 rounded to th rearest 10,000

To round a number to the nearest 10,000, you need to look at the digit in the ten-thousandths place. In this case, the digit in the ten-thousandths place is 9.

If the digit in the ten-thousandths place is 5 or greater, you round up. If it is 4 or less, you round down.

Since 9 is greater than 5, we will round up.

To round up, increase the digit in the ten-thousandths place by 1 and replace all the digits to the right with 0s.

Therefore, rounding 109,500 to the nearest 10,000 would give us 110,000.