I am doing those subjects can I be a nurse while doing maths literacy?

Ask your counselor.

Can I be a nurse with those subjects



Can i be a doctor?

yes can you be the nurse because life science had the chemistry of life

Yes, it is possible to become a nurse while studying Maths Literacy instead of Pure Mathematics. However, it's important to note that the specific admission requirements for nursing programs may vary between institutions and countries.

In some cases, nursing programs may require applicants to have taken Pure Mathematics instead of or in addition to Maths Literacy. Therefore, it is recommended to research the specific admission requirements of the nursing program you are interested in.

To find out the specific admission requirements, you can follow these steps:

1. Research nursing programs: Look for nursing programs at universities or colleges in your region or country. Visit their official websites or contact the admissions departments to gather information about their specific requirements.

2. Check admission criteria: Look for the admission criteria or requirements section on the nursing program's website. This section will outline the necessary qualifications, such as subjects or grades, needed for admission.

3. Verify Maths Literacy acceptance: Find out if the nursing program accepts Maths Literacy as an alternative to Pure Mathematics. Look for specific information about subjects required or recommended for admission.

4. Contact admissions department: If you cannot find the information you need on the website, reach out to the admissions department directly. You can call or email them to clarify whether Maths Literacy is accepted for the nursing program.

5. Consider alternative options: If a specific nursing program requires Pure Mathematics, you may need to explore other institutions or programs that accept Maths Literacy. There might be alternative pathways or bridging programs available, which can help you meet the necessary requirements.

Remember, different nursing programs may have different requirements, so it is crucial to research and communicate directly with the institutions you are interested in to determine their specific criteria for admission.