Two trains started at the same time from the same station and traveled in opposite directions.One traveled at a rate of 50mph and other at a rate of 60mph.In how many hours were they 660 miles apart?I want to know if my answer is correct.


combined speed = 110

110 mi/h * t = 660
t = 6

To find the number of hours it took for the trains to be 660 miles apart, you correctly set up the equation 50t + 60t = 660, where t represents the number of hours. By combining the terms on the left side of the equation, you get 110t = 660. To solve for t, divide both sides of the equation by 110:

110t / 110 = 660 / 110

t = 6

Therefore, it took 6 hours for the trains to be 660 miles apart. Your answer is correct.