which polygons will always be irregular?


Correct me if I'm wrong!!

I agree.

You are correct in identifying the triangle, trapezoid, and hexagon as polygons that can be irregular. However, the square is a special case. A square can be classified as both a regular and irregular polygon, depending on the definition used.

According to the common definition, a regular polygon has all sides and angles equal. Therefore, a square would be considered a regular polygon.

However, there is another definition that states a regular polygon must also have all interior angles equal. Applying this definition, a square with its right angles would be considered irregular since not all interior angles are equal.

So, considering the common definition, the triangle, trapezoid, and hexagon would always be irregular polygons, while the square can be both regular and irregular.

You are correct! The only polygon in your list that will always be irregular is the trapezoid. Now, let's explain why:

To determine if a polygon is regular or irregular, we need to look at its sides and angles.

- Triangle: A triangle can be regular or irregular, depending on the length of its sides and the measure of its angles. If all three sides and angles of a triangle are equal, then it is a regular triangle (also known as an equilateral triangle). Otherwise, it is irregular.

- Trapezoid: A trapezoid is always irregular because it has exactly one pair of parallel sides. The other two non-parallel sides have different lengths, resulting in different angles between them.

- Square: A square is defined as a regular quadrilateral, meaning all four sides and angles are equal. Therefore, a square is always regular.

- Hexagon: A hexagon can be regular or irregular, depending on its shape. If all six sides and angles of a hexagon are equal, then it is a regular hexagon. Otherwise, it is irregular.

So, to summarize, the trapezoid is the only polygon from your list that will always be irregular.