solve the equation abx=cy for each of following the variable x the variable a the variable c

solve the equation ay/x
the variable y
the variable z
the variable x
solve each of following for variable y


y= ab/c
y= R/bx

Those should be the answers

Now you know how to do y so you should be able to do the rest on your own

To solve these equations, we need to isolate the variable that we want to solve for. I'll go through each equation step by step.

1. Solve the equation abx = cy for the variable x:
- Divide both sides of the equation by ab:
(abx) / (ab) = cy / ab
- Simplify:
x = (cy) / (ab)

2. Solve the equation ay / x for the variable x:
- Multiply both sides of the equation by x:
x * (ay / x) = x * x
- Simplify:
ay = x^2
- Take the square root of both sides:
√(ay) = √(x^2)
- Simplify:
√ay = x

3. Solve the equation ab = cy for the variable y:
- Divide both sides of the equation by c:
ab / c = cy / c
- Simplify:
(ab / c) = y

4. Solve the equation ayc = bx for the variable y:
- Divide both sides of the equation by ac:
(ayc) / ac = (bx) / ac
- Simplify:
y = (bx) / (ac)

5. Solve the equation bx / y = R for the variable y:
- Multiply both sides of the equation by y:
y * (bx / y) = R * y
- Simplify:
bx = R * y
- Divide both sides of the equation by R:
(bx) / R = y

6. Solve the equation zy / x = b for the variable y:
- Multiply both sides of the equation by x:
x * (zy / x) = x * b
- Simplify:
zy = bx
- Divide both sides of the equation by z:
(zy) / z = (bx) / z
- Simplify:
y = (bx) / z

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.