A disk is rotating at 50rps (revolution per second) about its fixed axis (delta) with respect to which its moment of inertia is J= 2×10^-2 kg.m^2

A braking couple of moment -0.5N.m is applied to the disk (the sense of rotation of the disk is taken as positive ). The disk will stop after a duration t equals to what?

see other post.

To find the time duration (t) it takes for the disk to stop rotating, we can use the concept of angular acceleration and torque on the disk.

1. Angular acceleration (α):
Angular acceleration is defined as the rate of change of angular velocity. It can be calculated using the equation:
α = torque / moment of inertia

In this case, the torque acting on the disk is -0.5 N.m (negative because it opposes the rotation) and the moment of inertia (J) is given as 2×10^-2 kg.m^2. Plugging in the values, we have:
α = -0.5 N.m / (2×10^-2 kg.m^2)

2. Initial angular velocity (ω0):
The initial angular velocity of the disk is given as 50 rps (revolutions per second), which can be converted to radians per second using the equation:
ω0 = 2πf0

Where f0 is the initial frequency given in revolutions per second.
ω0 = 2π × 50

3. Final angular velocity (ω):
The final angular velocity is zero, as the disk stops rotating.

4. Time duration (t):
We can use the following equation to find the time duration (t) it takes for the angular velocity to decrease from ω0 to zero:
ω = ω0 + αt

Since ω is zero, we can solve for t:
0 = ω0 + αt

Substituting the values, we have:
0 = 2π × 50 + (-0.5 N.m / (2×10^-2 kg.m^2)) × t

Solving this equation will give us the time duration (t) it takes for the disk to stop rotating.