Your weigh on the moon is about 1/6 of your weigh on earth. Write and solve an equation to show how much a person weighs on earth if he weighs 16 lbs. on the moon .

(1/6)x = 16


why can't i find the right answer fml



To solve this problem, we need to set up an equation that represents the relationship between weight on the moon and weight on Earth. Let's call the weight on the moon "M" and the weight on Earth "E".

We know that weight on the moon is approximately 1/6 of the weight on Earth. So, the equation relating the two weights is:

M = (1/6)E

We are given that the weight on the moon is 16 lbs. So, we can replace M with 16 in our equation:

16 = (1/6)E

To solve for E, we need to isolate E on one side of the equation. We can do this by multiplying both sides of the equation by 6:

6 * 16 = (1/6)E * 6

96 = E

Therefore, a person who weighs 16 lbs. on the moon would weigh 96 lbs. on Earth.