Gordy is a goalie for a neighborhood soccer team.He played in 65% of the 20 games this season.In how man ygames did he not play? Explain


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To determine how many games Gordy did not play, we need to find the percentage of games he did play and subtract it from the total number of games.

Gordy played in 65% of the 20 games this season. To calculate the number of games he played:

65% of 20 games = (65/100) * 20 games = (0.65) * 20 games = 13 games

Therefore, Gordy played in 13 games this season. To find the number of games he did not play:

Total number of games - Number of games he played = 20 games - 13 games = 7 games

Therefore, Gordy did not play in 7 games this season.

The correct answer is B. 7.

To find the number of games Gordy did not play, you first need to calculate the number of games he did play. Gordy played in 65% of the 20 games this season, which means he played in 0.65 * 20 = 13 games.

Now, to find the number of games he did not play, you subtract the number of games he played from the total number of games. So, 20 - 13 = 7.

Therefore, Gordy did not play in 7 games.

The answer is B. 7