Frogs burrow the mud

snails bury themselves
and I air my quilts
preparing for the cold

Dogs grow more hair
mothers make oatmeal
and little boys and girls
take Father John's Medicine

Bears store fat
chipmunks gather nuts
and I collect books
For the coming winter

2. Which question best relates to these details in "Winter"?

Frogs burrow the mud/snails bury themselves.

a. What happens to frogs in the winter?
b. How do animals differ from people in the winter?
c. Why do snails bury themselves?
d. How do creatures prepare for winter? ••

A boy told me
if he rollerskated fast enough
his loneliness couldn't catch up to him.

the best reason I ever heard
for trying to be a champion.

What I wonder tonight
pedaling hard down King William Street
is if it translates to bicycles.

A victory! To leave your loneliness
panting behind you on some street corner
while you float free into a cloud of sudden azaleas,
luminous pink petal that have
never felt loneliness,
no matter how slowly they fell.

1. What is the single idea that Nomi Shihab Nye is expressing in "The Rider"?

a. It is easier to escape loneliness by roller skating than by riding a bicycle.
b. Loneliness is a feeling people want to escape
c. Winning a race can help you appreciate the beauty of nature. ••
d. Riding a bicycle is a more satisfying activity than roller skating.

The word FRAGRANT helps you understand which situation from the poems?

a. the frog's preparation for winter in "Winter"
b. the blooming of spring flowers in "Haiku" ••
c. the feeling of air rushing by in "The Rider"

"Winter" and "The Rider" are shown above.

4. In which sentence is the word TRANSLATES used correctly?

a. Until Monica translates this message, we won't be able to understand it. ••
b. Do you want to go along when Ron translates across the Atlantic?
c. The desk was piled so high with translates, Rebecca couldn't find her pen.
d. Every time Adam translates this song, I get chills because it's so beautiful.

Correct me if I'm wrong!!

Oh now I get it it's B and thanks for your help!!:)

Good job! Correct!

You got all the answers correct! Great job! Here's a breakdown of each question and its correct answer:

2. The best question that relates to the details in "Winter" is "d. How do creatures prepare for winter?" The poem describes various creatures, including frogs and snails, preparing for winter by burrowing or burying themselves.

1. The single idea that Nomi Shihab Nye is expressing in "The Rider" is "c. Winning a race can help you appreciate the beauty of nature." The poem highlights the idea that achieving victory and leaving behind loneliness can allow one to fully experience and enjoy the beauty of the world.

3. The word "FRAGRANT" helps you understand situation "b. the blooming of spring flowers in 'Haiku'". The word implies a pleasant smell associated with flowers, which aligns with the imagery of blooming spring flowers in the poem "Haiku."

4. The word "TRANSLATES" is used correctly in the sentence "a. Until Monica translates this message, we won't be able to understand it." This sentence correctly uses "translates" to convey the act of interpreting or converting a message from one language to another.

2 - yes

1 - no
3 - yes
4 - yes

Wouldn't it be D

As you read the poem, what are both the skater and the biker trying to escape from? It's stated three times in the poem. Why do they ride fast? What are they running away from? It is not to win a race or smell the flowers.

No. D is not right.