Laura wants the average amount of money she spends in four days to be no more than $64. On the first three days she spends $71, $62 and $59. What is the greatest amount she can spend on day 4?


To find out the greatest amount Laura can spend on day 4, we need to consider the constraint that the average amount spent over the four days should be no more than $64.

Step 1: Calculate the total amount spent on the first three days.
$71 + $62 + $59 = $192

Step 2: Find the maximum amount Laura can spend over four days.
Let's assume x is the amount Laura can spend on day 4.
(192 + x)/4 ≤ $64

Step 3: Solve the inequality to find the maximum amount for x.
192 + x ≤ 256
x ≤ 64

Therefore, the greatest amount Laura can spend on day 4 is $64.

To find the greatest amount Laura can spend on day 4 while keeping the average amount spent in four days no more than $64, we can use the concept of averages.

Let's first find the total amount Laura has spent on the first three days:
$71 + $62 + $59 = $192

To keep the average amount below $64, the total amount she can spend in four days should be less than or equal to $64 multiplied by 4:
$64 x 4 = $256

Since she has already spent $192 in the first three days, the greatest amount she can spend on day 4 is the difference between the total she can spend in four days and what she has already spent:
$256 - $192 = $64

Therefore, the greatest amount Laura can spend on day 4 while keeping the average amount spent in four days no more than $64 is $64.

mean = ∑x/n

64 = (71+62+64+x)/4

Solve for x.