Larry leaves home at 2:08 and runs at a constant speed to the lamppost. He reaches the lamppost at 2:15, immediately turns, and runs to the tree. Larry arrives at the tree at 2:29. What is Larry's average velocity during his trip from home to the lamppost, if the lamppost is 308.0 m west of home, and the tree is 688.0 m east of home?

velocity is change of position (a vector) per time.

change of position: final position-initial
= 688E+308W=380W

avgvelocity=380W/total time.

To find Larry's average velocity, we need to calculate the total displacement and the total time taken.

The total displacement is given by the difference between the distance to the lamppost and the distance to the tree:
Displacement = Distance to lamppost - Distance to tree
Displacement = (-308.0 m) - 688.0 m
Displacement = -996.0 m

The total time taken can be calculated by subtracting the initial time (2:08) from the final time (2:29):
Total time = Final time - Initial time
Total time = 2:29 - 2:08 = 21 minutes = 0.35 hours

Now we can calculate Larry's average velocity by dividing the total displacement by the total time taken:
Average velocity = Displacement / Total time
Average velocity = (-996.0 m) / (0.35 hours)
Average velocity = -2845.7 m/h

Therefore, Larry's average velocity during his trip from home to the lamppost is -2845.7 m/h (which means he is moving with a velocity of 2845.7 m/h to the west).