A CACTUS CASTS A SHADOW THAT IS 14ft 7in long. A gate nearby casts a shadow that is 5 ft long. Estimate the height of the cactus.

To estimate the height of the cactus, we can use a proportion based on the lengths of the shadows.

Let's assign variables:
Let H be the height of the cactus,
Let S be the length of the cactus's shadow,
And let G be the length of the gate's shadow.

We have the following information:
S = 14 ft 7 in = 14 + 7/12 ft
G = 5 ft

Using the concept of proportionality, we can set up the equation:
(S / G) = (H / x),

where x represents the unknown height of the gate.

Substituting the given values:
[(14 + 7/12) / 5] = (H / x).

To solve for H, we need to determine the value of x or the height of the gate. Since we don't have the gate's height information, we cannot determine an exact numerical value for the cactus's height. However, we can solve the equation using a proportion calculator or algebraic manipulation to obtain a ratio.

Please note that to estimate the height of the cactus, we would need additional information, such as the height of the gate, to calculate the ratio between the two shadows accurately.

A CACTUS CASTS A SHADOW THAT IS 14ft 7in long. A gate nearby casts a shadow that is 5 ft long. Estimate the height of the cactus.

How tall is the gate?

The cactus is about 15ft and 4in