On the map,1/4 inch stands for 100 miles. Two cities are 3 inches apart on the map.How many apart are they?

1/4 inch = 100 miles

1 inch = 400 miles
3 inches = 1200 miles

On a map,

inch stands for 100 miles. Two cities are 3 inches apart on the map. How many miles apart are they?

Since 1/4 inch on the map represents 100 miles, we can use this information to calculate the distance between the two cities.

First, we calculate the distance represented by 1 inch on the map:
1 inch = 4 * (1/4 inch) = 4 * 100 miles = 400 miles

Next, we calculate the distance represented by 3 inches on the map:
3 inches = 3 * 400 miles = 1200 miles

Therefore, the two cities are 1200 miles apart.

To find out how far apart the two cities are, we need to apply the scale given on the map.

Given that 1/4 inch stands for 100 miles, we can set up a proportion to find the distance between the two cities:

1/4 inch = 100 miles
3 inches = x miles (distance between the cities)

To solve this proportion, we can cross-multiply and divide:

(1/4) * x = (3) * 100

Re-arranging the equation:

1x/4 = 300

Multiply both sides by 4:

x = 4 * 300

x = 1200

Therefore, the two cities are 1200 miles apart.