Find the noun, verb, and Direct Object pronoun(if there is one) of this sentence:

No me gustan los precios en la tienda.

I'm confused though. I put "me" for subjects, "gustan" for verb, and "los precios" for pronoun. I don't think something is right.

Also, sentence 2:

"¿Cuando vas de compras? Quiero ir contigo!"

I'm just plain confused here.

In the sentence "No me gustan los precios en la tienda," the noun is "los precios" (the prices), the verb is "gustan" (like), and there is a pronoun which functions as the direct object: "me."

However, there seems to be some confusion in your understanding of the roles of the words in the sentence. Let's break it down:

1. Subject: The subject of the sentence is usually the one performing the action. In this case, "los precios" would not be the subject because the prices are not doing the liking. Instead, the subject is implied and it is "yo" (I). So, the correct subject is not mentioned explicitly in this sentence.

2. Verb: The verb in this sentence is indeed "gustan" (like). However, it is important to note that "gustan" is used in the plural form because the noun "los precios" is plural.

3. Direct Object Pronoun: The pronoun "me" serves as the indirect object pronoun in this sentence. An indirect object pronoun indicates to whom or for whom the action is done. In this case, "me" indicates that the prices are not liked by me.

So, to summarize:
Noun: "los precios" (the prices)
Verb: "gustan" (like)
Direct Object Pronoun: "me" (indicates that the prices are not liked by me)

It's important to remember that understanding the roles of words in a sentence can be complex in different languages, and it takes practice to become more familiar with them. Keep up the good work!