The sum of the digits of a two digit number is 12,and the units digit is twice the tens digit. Find the number?

number = 10 x + y

x+y = 12

y = 2 x

x + 2 x = 12

x = 4
y = 8

To find the two-digit number, let's assume that the tens digit is "x" and the units digit is "2x", as given in the problem.

We also know that the sum of the digits is 12. This means that x + 2x = 12.

Combining like terms, we get 3x = 12.

To solve for x, divide both sides of the equation by 3: 3x/3 = 12/3.

Simplifying, we have x = 4.

Since the tens digit is 4 and the units digit is twice that, the number is 42.

Therefore, the two-digit number that satisfies the given conditions is 42.