Calculate the simple interest for each situation. Choose THREE that have a simple interest greater than $800.00.

a. $2,000.00 at 6% for 7 years ***
b. $4,500.00 at 3% for 6 years ***
c. $1,400.00 at 6% for 9 years
d. $5,000,00 at 7% for 3 years ***
e. $800.00 at 15% for 5 years

Calculate the tax for each pair of shoes with the given rate. Select THREE choices in which the tax is GREATER than $3.00.

a. Shoes: $45.00 Tax: 7% ***
b. Shoes: $80.00 Tax: 2.9%
c. Shoes: $66.00 Tax: 10% ***
d. Shoes: $29.00 Tax: 11% ***
e. Shoes: $55.00 Tax: 4.5%

For connexus the answers are

1. B
2. D
3. A,B,D
4. D
5. A,C,D

Your welcome

You just asked this same question and I already answered it.

$2,000.00 at 6% for 7 years ***
b. $4,500.00 at 3% for 6 years ***
c. $1,400.00 at 6% for 9 years
d. $5,000,00 at 7% for 3 years ***
e. $800.00 at 15% for 5 years

Calculate the tax for each pair of shoes with the given rate. Select THREE choices in which the tax is GREATER than $3.00.

a. Shoes: $45.00 Tax: 7% ***
b. Shoes: $80.00 Tax: 2.9%
c. Shoes: $66.00 Tax: 10% ***
d. Shoes: $29.00 Tax: 11% ***
e. Shoes: $55.00 Tax: 4.5%

Please correct me if I'm wrong in any. Thanks. :3

More math - Morgan, Monday, February 1, 2016 at 8:50pm

a,b, and d

Simple interest is just p x r x t

Yes, I know. But, did you saw my comment?

Hello? Morgan?

B, d,abd,d,acd



To calculate the simple interest for each situation, we use the formula:

Simple Interest = (Principal × Rate × Time) / 100

Let's calculate the simple interest for each situation:

a. $2,000.00 at 6% for 7 years:
Simple Interest = (2000 × 6 × 7) / 100 = $840.00

b. $4,500.00 at 3% for 6 years:
Simple Interest = (4500 × 3 × 6) / 100 = $810.00

c. $1,400.00 at 6% for 9 years:
Simple Interest = (1400 × 6 × 9) / 100 = $756.00

d. $5,000.00 at 7% for 3 years:
Simple Interest = (5000 × 7 × 3) / 100 = $1,050.00

e. $800.00 at 15% for 5 years:
Simple Interest = (800 × 15 × 5) / 100 = $600.00

From the calculations, the THREE situations with simple interest greater than $800.00 are:

a. $2,000.00 at 6% for 7 years (Simple Interest = $840.00)
b. $4,500.00 at 3% for 6 years (Simple Interest = $810.00)
d. $5,000.00 at 7% for 3 years (Simple Interest = $1,050.00)

Now, let's move on to calculating the tax for each pair of shoes:

The tax amount is calculated by multiplying the price of the shoes by the tax rate.

a. Shoes: $45.00 Tax: 7%
Tax = $45.00 × 7% = $3.15

b. Shoes: $80.00 Tax: 2.9%
Tax = $80.00 × 2.9% = $2.32

c. Shoes: $66.00 Tax: 10%
Tax = $66.00 × 10% = $6.60

d. Shoes: $29.00 Tax: 11%
Tax = $29.00 × 11% = $3.19

e. Shoes: $55.00 Tax: 4.5%
Tax = $55.00 × 4.5% = $2.48

From the calculations, the THREE situations where the tax is greater than $3.00 are:

a. Shoes: $45.00 Tax: 7% (Tax = $3.15)
c. Shoes: $66.00 Tax: 10% (Tax = $6.60)
d. Shoes: $29.00 Tax: 11% (Tax = $3.19)


Hope you realize the problem when you post the same problem too many times, ... and not checking answers before reposts!


1. B

2. D
3. A,B
4. D
5. A,C,D