I have a problem Katie ran 3.4 miles in 0.8 hours. This is a ratio of 3.4 to 0.8. What is her unit rate of miles in 1 hour? I did 3.4 divided by 0.8 and got 4.25. Then i times 4.25 by 1 hour and got 4.25:1

That is correct.

That is the answer?

To find the unit rate of miles in 1 hour, you need to divide the total distance by the total time. Here's how you can calculate it step by step:

1. Take the total distance that Katie ran, which is 3.4 miles, and divide it by the total time taken, which is 0.8 hours.
3.4 miles ÷ 0.8 hours = 4.25 miles/hour

So, Katie's unit rate of miles in 1 hour is 4.25 miles/hour.

Your calculations are correct! Dividing 3.4 by 0.8 gives you the unit rate, and then multiplying it by 1 hour ensures that the rate is expressed in terms of a 1-hour time period. The ratio you got, 4.25:1, represents the number of miles Katie runs in one hour.