An inclusive educational scene showing three scenarios. Firstly, depict a South Asian woman named 'Masako' who has accidentally taken a woolen hat belong to a black man 'Jonah'. Secondly, show a group of Hispanic children in a playful setting, looking baffled as they can't find their toys. Lastly, illustrate a Caucasian gym teacher instructing a diverse group of boys to run, suggesting strenuous exercise. The scenes should reflect the context of the grammatical terms - first-person, second-person, reflexive, possessive pronouns, appositive, antecedent, and indefinite pronouns - but without any visible text.

Identify the choice that best describes the underlined word.

1.) Masako took Jonah's woolen hat by mistake, thinking it was **hers**

a.) First-person pronoun
b.) Second-person pronoun
c.) reflexive pronoun
d.) posessive pronoun


2.) The children went to look for their toys, but they could not find **any**

a.) Appositive
b.) Antecedent
c.) Indefinite pronoun
d.) Possessive pronoun


3.) The gym teacher has us **boys** run for about 45 minutes.

a.) Appositive
b.) Antecedent
c.) Indefinite pronoun
d.) Reflexive pronoun


Unit1 lesson 6 Quiz

1. C
2. D
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. C
7. D
8. C
9. A
10. B
11. C
12. C
13. A
14. A
15. B
16. D

Rose is %100 correct


Rose is 100% right thanks rose 😁

Thanks rose 😁

ROSE IS 100% correct for honors...... Trust me I took the quiz

for those who are wondering rose i still correct as of january 31st 2022

Correct on all three.

Rose is correct for non honors classes too

To identify the choice that best describes the underlined word in each sentence, you would need to understand the different types of pronouns and their functions in a sentence.

1.) In the first sentence, the underlined word is "hers." To determine the type of pronoun, you can establish who the pronoun is referring to. In this case, it refers to Masako. Since it shows possession, the correct choice is a possessive pronoun. Therefore, option D is the correct choice.

2.) In the second sentence, the underlined word is "any." To determine the type of pronoun, you need to understand its function in the sentence. It is being used to refer to an unspecified number or amount of toys. This fits the definition of an indefinite pronoun, making option C the correct choice.

3.) In the third sentence, the underlined word is "boys." To identify the type of pronoun, you can determine its function in the sentence. Here, it is used to rename or rename the subject rather than replace it. This makes it an appositive, so option A is the correct choice.