Jenny spends 1/6 of her paycheck and saves 2/5 of the remaining amount. What fraction of her total paycheck is saved?

no u #hashtagsbelongintwitterdumdum

what is 5/6*2/5?

Do not know

1/3. do you ppl even do math?????? #dubs.

To find the fraction of Jenny's total paycheck that is saved, we need to first calculate the remaining amount after she spends 1/6 of her paycheck.

To calculate the remaining amount, we subtract 1/6 from 1 (since she spends 1/6), and then we multiply the result by her paycheck. This gives us:

Remaining Amount = (1 - 1/6) * paycheck

Next, we need to calculate the fraction that Jenny saves from the remaining amount. She saves 2/5 of the remaining amount, so we multiply the remaining amount by 2/5:

Amount Saved = (2/5) * Remaining Amount

Finally, to find the fraction of her total paycheck that is saved, we divide the amount saved by her paycheck:

Fraction Saved = Amount Saved / paycheck

Let's plug in some sample numbers to demonstrate the calculation.

Say Jenny's paycheck is $600:

Remaining Amount = (1 - 1/6) * $600 = (5/6) * $600 = $500

Amount Saved = (2/5) * $500 = $200

Fraction Saved = $200 / $600 = 1/3

Therefore, Jenny saves 1/3 of her total paycheck.