factorize completely :

12x squared-23x+5

This kind of thing just takes practice. You know the factors will look like one of


where the two ? numbers are 1 and 5. Then it's just trial and error. Eventually you will wind up with


thanks much, God bless you

To factorize the quadratic expression 12x² - 23x + 5 completely, we need to find two binomial factors that, when multiplied, result in the original expression.

Step 1: Multiply the coefficient of the quadratic term (12) by the constant term (5). The result is 60.

Step 2: Look for two numbers whose product is 60 and whose sum is equal to the coefficient of the linear term (-23). The numbers that satisfy these conditions are -20 and -3.

Step 3: Rewrite the linear term (-23x) using the found numbers. Replace -23x with -20x - 3x.

12x² - 20x - 3x + 5

Step 4: Group the terms two at a time and factor by grouping.

(12x² - 20x) + (-3x + 5)

Step 5: Factor out the greatest common factor from each group.

4x(3x - 5) - 1(3x - 5)

Step 6: Observe that we now have a common binomial factor, (3x - 5), in both groups.

(4x - 1)(3x - 5)

Therefore, the expression 12x² - 23x + 5 is completely factorized as (4x - 1)(3x - 5).