6.)Which expresses the main impact of westward expansion on African slaves in the 1800s?

A)It provided greater job choices for them.

B)It weakened attempts to abolish slavery.

C)It allowed them to travel outside of the northeast.

D)It threatened their relationships with the Native Americans.

B is likely what your teacher wants, but I wonder. AS westward expansion occured, many families with slaves migrated, and in the new territories as communities organized themselves into territories, the issue of slavery became a hot issue, and the emotion frankly led to the arguments which precipitated into civil war: that is, some felt it was a states right to decide, and others thought it was congress' right to decide for the new terrorizes. So saying it weakened slavery...I wonder...it led to the civil war which ended slavery. Bring this up with your teacher during class.

The main impact of westward expansion on African slaves in the 1800s was option B) It weakened attempts to abolish slavery.

To determine the main impact of westward expansion on African slaves in the 1800s, we need to evaluate the options provided and assess their accuracy.

A) "It provided greater job choices for them." This option is not accurate as westward expansion did not provide greater job choices for African slaves. The expansion primarily focused on the acquisition of new territories for white settlers, rather than benefiting the slaves.

B) "It weakened attempts to abolish slavery." This option is more accurate. Westward expansion led to an increase in the number of slave states, which further strengthened the institution of slavery. The acquisition of new territories, such as Texas and parts of the Mexican Cession, fueled debates over whether those territories would allow or prohibit slavery, which ultimately intensified tensions between the North and South.

C) "It allowed them to travel outside of the northeast." This option is not accurate as westward expansion did not significantly affect the mobility or travel opportunities for African slaves. Slavery was a pervasive institution, and slaves were generally not given the freedom to travel outside of their designated areas.

D) "It threatened their relationships with Native Americans." This option is not accurate as the impact of westward expansion on African slaves did not revolve around their relationships with Native Americans. While Native Americans were adversely affected by westward expansion through forced relocation and warfare, the impact on African slaves was distinct from this dynamic.

Therefore, the most accurate option is B) "It weakened attempts to abolish slavery."