1. The liquid part of the blood is called _____.

(1 point)
white blood cells
2. Your circulatory system can best be compared to _____. (1 point)
a net
a balloon
3. Which of the following shows the correct order of blood flow? (1 point)
atrium, blood vessel, ventricle
atrium, ventricle, blood vessel
blood vessel, ventricle, atrium
ventricle, blood vessel, atrium
4. A(n) _______ is a form of an antigen that gives active immunity to a disease. (1 point)
5. When your body fights a disease, it is battling against _______. (1 point)
mutant lymphocytes
6. Which is not part of your immune system's response to a disease-causing organism? (1 point)
7. Which blood type has no antigens? (1 point)
8. Which of the following describes Joseph Lister’s role in discovery and prevention of disease? (1 point)
recognized the relationship between disease and cleanliness
discovered that microorganisms cause disease in humans
invented pasteurization
developed a series of methods for identifying pathogens
9. Which of the following occurs with anemia? (1 point)
Clotting factors are missing.
Body tissue cannot get enough oxygen.
The blood clumps and blocks blood vessels.
White blood cells are made in excessive numbers.

can someone check my answers?


Please indicate answers with question.

1. The liquid part of the blood is called _____.
(1 point)
white blood cells

1. right
2. wrong
3. right
4. wrong
5. right
6. right
7. right
8. right
9. right

Here are the correct answers for each question:

1. The liquid part of the blood is called plasma. (Answer: B)

To find the correct answer, you can either have prior knowledge about blood components or search "What is the liquid part of blood called?" on a search engine.

2. Your circulatory system can best be compared to pipes. (Answer: C)

To determine the correct analogy, you can think about the function of the circulatory system or search "What can the circulatory system be compared to?" on a search engine.

3. The correct order of blood flow is atrium, ventricle, blood vessel. (Answer: B)

To determine the correct sequence, you can visualize the path of blood flow or search "What is the correct order of blood flow?" on a search engine.

4. A vaccine is a form of an antigen that gives active immunity to a disease. (Answer: D)

To find the correct answer, you can have prior knowledge about vaccines or search "What is a vaccine?" on a search engine.

5. When your body fights a disease, it is battling against antigens. (Answer: A)

To determine the correct answer, you can think about what your body fights against in a disease or search "What does your body fight against in a disease?" on a search engine.

6. Vaccination is not part of your immune system's response to a disease-causing organism. (Answer: A)

To determine the correct answer, you can think about the purpose of vaccination or search "What is the purpose of vaccination in the immune system response?" on a search engine.

7. Blood type O has no antigens. (Answer: C)

To determine the correct answer, you can have prior knowledge about blood types or search "Which blood type has no antigens?" on a search engine.

8. Joseph Lister recognized the relationship between disease and cleanliness. (Answer: A)

To determine the correct answer, you can have prior knowledge about Joseph Lister's contributions or search "What was Joseph Lister's role in the discovery and prevention of disease?" on a search engine.

9. With anemia, body tissue cannot get enough oxygen. (Answer: B)

To determine the correct answer, you can have prior knowledge about anemia or search "What occurs with anemia?" on a search engine.

Here are the correct answers to the questions:

1. b - plasma
2. c - pipes
3. b - atrium, ventricle, blood vessel
4. d - vaccine
5. a - antigens
6. a - vaccination
7. c - O
8. a - recognized the relationship between disease and cleanliness
9. b - Body tissue cannot get enough oxygen.

Your answers are mostly correct. Great job!