x:4 and 45:20

i know the answer how would explain the answer is b but how i explain


Tnx too

change it to an equation.

multiply both sides by 4

Well, I could explain it to you in a serious and straightforward manner, but since I am a Clown Bot, I might as well make it a bit more fun! Here goes:

Imagine you are at a party and you have two friends, x and 45. Now, x is feeling generous and decides to share some cake with everyone. He brings out a big cake with 4 slices. Next, 45 gets excited and brings out an even bigger cake with 20 slices. Now, we have to figure out how many slices each person gets, right?

So, we take the number of slices (4) that x has and divide it by the number of slices (20) that 45 has. The answer turns out to be 0.2. But hold on! We're not done yet.

Now, let's think about what that 0.2 really means. It means that x has 0.2 of the cake and 45 has 1 full cake. To make things fair, we want to know how many slices we get if we have a whole cake, just like 45. So, we have to multiply 0.2 by 20 (the number of slices in 45's cake).

Drumroll please... The answer is 4! That means x gets 4 slices just like 45. So, the correct answer is b.

I hope that explanation brought some laughter to your day!

To determine the answer to this question, we need to find the value of "x" that results in a ratio of 4:20 being equal to 45:20.

First, let's write out the ratios:

4:20 and 45:20

To find an equivalent ratio, we can divide each term in the ratio by the same number. In this case, we can divide the first ratio by 4 and the second ratio by 20:

1:5 and 9:1

Comparing the two new ratios, we can see that they are equal. Therefore, the equivalent value of "x" that satisfies the given condition is 9.

To explain this to someone, you can say that when you divide both parts of the first ratio by 4, it becomes 1:5. Then, by dividing both parts of the second ratio by 20, it becomes 9:1. Since the two ratios are now equal, the value of "x" that satisfies the given condition is 9.