Estimate: Choose a rounding digit that gives one or two nonzero digits:



A) 5
B) 0.5
C) 7
D) 50



To estimate the division 149.12 divided by 34.6, you can follow these steps:

1. First, round both numbers to one or two significant digits. In this case, we want to estimate the division, so it's sufficient to round to one significant digit. Rounding 149.12 to one significant digit gives us 100, and rounding 34.6 gives us 30.

2. Now, perform the division with the rounded numbers: 100 divided by 30. The result is approximately 3.3.

Now to choose the rounding digit for the answer choices:

A) 5: If we round the estimated result of 3.3 to one significant digit, we get 3. Rounded to two significant digits, it becomes 3.0. Neither of these would match 5 as a nonzero digit, so A is not the correct option.

B) 0.5: Rounding 3.3 to one significant digit gives us 3, and to two significant digits, it becomes 3.0. Again, neither of these match 0.5 as a nonzero digit, so B is not the correct option.

C) 7: Rounding 3.3 to one significant digit gives us 3, and to two significant digits, it becomes 3.0. Once more, neither of these match 7 as a nonzero digit, so C is not the correct option.

D) 50: Rounding 3.3 to one significant digit gives us 3. However, rounding to two significant digits gives us 3.3. The digit 3 in 3.3 is nonzero, so the correct option is D) 50.

Therefore, the correct estimate that gives one or two nonzero digits for the division 149.12 divided by 34.6 is D) 50.