Solve each system.


These are my answers below but I know that they are wrong:

I have tried to solve this system probably 10 times, and still not getting an answer that checks back into the original equation. Substitution doesn't work well and I do better with elimination.

I get (4, 5, 3)

I'm sorry I don't really get matrices, but can you please walk me through the steps of algebraically doing elimination if you know what that is.

Can you do Gaussian elimination?

or determinants

No, then
a. x-4y-6z=-34
b. -7x+5y-7z=-24
c. 5x-7y-z=-18

Multiply equation a by 7
a 7x-28y -42z=- 238 add b)
b.-7x+5y -7z=-24
d. -23y-49z=-362
take equation a, and c
a. x-4y-6z=-34
c. 5x-7y-z=-19
multiply a) by 5,
a. 5x-20y-30z=-170
c. 5x-7y-z=-19, subtract equation c from a,
e. -14y-29z=-151 and from d)
d) -23y-49z=-362
now we have two equations, two unknowns. geting messy.
multiply 3 by 23, and d) by 14, then subtract e from d, and you have one equation, one unknown.
then z= ... and you go back up. By far, one of the three methods I mentioned first is much easier. Look into those links if your teacher has not broached the subjects.

boring !

x-4y-6z=-34 times 5
-7x+5y-7z=-24 times 4

+5 x -20 y - 30 z = -170
-28x +20 y - 28 z = -96
-23 x + 0 -58 z = - 266

now the last 2
-7x+5y-7z=-24 times 7
+5x-7y-1z=-18 times 5

-49 x + 35 y - 49 z = -168
+25 x - 35 y - 5 z = -90
-24 x + 0 -54 z = - 258
-23 x -58 z = - 266 times 24
-24 x -54 z = - 258 times 23

-552 x - 1392 z = -6384
-552 x - 1242 z = -5934
-150 z = -450

z = 3 whew now all yours

To solve the system of equations using elimination, we'll start by eliminating one variable at a time. Let's begin by eliminating the variable z.

1) x - 4y - 6z = -34
2) -7x + 5y - 7z = -24
3) z = 5x - 7y + 18

We can rewrite equation 3) in terms of z:
z = 5x - 7y + 18 --> 5x - 7y - z = -18

Now, let's set up a system of equations with eliminated z terms:
1) x - 4y - 6z = -34
2) -7x + 5y - 7z = -24
4) 5x - 7y - z = -18

We can use equations 1) and 4) to eliminate x by adding both equations:
(x - 4y - 6z) + (5x - 7y - z) = -34 + (-18)

This simplifies to:
6x - 11y - 7z = -52 (equation 5)

Now, let's use equations 2) and 4) to eliminate x:
(-7x + 5y - 7z) + (5x - 7y - z) = -24 + (-18)

This simplifies to:
-2x - 2y - 8z = -42 (equation 6)

Now, we have a system of two equations (equations 5 and 6) with two variables (x and y). We can solve this system using the same elimination method.

To eliminate y, we'll multiply equation 5) by 2 and equation 6) by 11:
2(6x - 11y - 7z) = 2(-52)
11(-2x - 2y - 8z) = 11(-42)

This simplifies to:
12x - 22y - 14z = -104 (equation 7)
-22x - 22y - 88z = -462 (equation 8)

Now, we can add equations 7) and 8) to eliminate y:
(12x - 22y - 14z) + (-22x - 22y - 88z) = -104 + (-462)

This simplifies to:
-10x - 102z = -566 (equation 9)

Now, we have equation 9) with only x and z variables. Solving for x:

-10x = -566 + 102z
x = (566 - 102z) / 10
x = 113 - 10.2z (equation 10)

Now, let's use equation 10) in equation 5) to solve for y:
6x - 11y - 7z = -52
6(113 - 10.2z) - 11y - 7z = -52

This simplifies to:
678 - 61.2z - 11y - 7z = -52
-68z - 11y = -730 (equation 11)

Now, we can solve equation 11) for y:

-11y = 730 - 68z
y = (730 - 68z) / -11
y = -66.3636 + 6.1818z (equation 12)

Finally, substituting equations 10) and 12) into equation 4) (z = 5x - 7y + 18), we can solve for z:

z = 5x - 7y + 18
z = 5(113 - 10.2z) - 7(-66.3636 + 6.1818z) + 18

This simplifies to:
z = 565 - 51z + 46.8182 + 43.273z + 18
z = -16.1818 + 93.273z

Combining like terms:
-92.273z = -16.1818
z = -16.1818 / -92.273
z = 0.1758

Now that we have the value of z, we can substitute it back into equations 10) and 12) to find the values of x and y:

x = 113 - 10.2(0.1758)
x = 113 - 1.797
x = 111.203

y = -66.3636 + 6.1818(0.1758)
y = -66.3636 + 1.0864
y = -65.2772

Therefore, the solution to the system of equations is:
x ≈ 111.203
y ≈ -65.2772
z ≈ 0.1758

These values can be approximated to the desired level of precision and checked back into the original equations to verify the solution.