An amount of 2440 consists of #100 and #10,the number of 100 is 6times as much as 10,find the number of100 and 10

Let number of #10 be T,100 is 6times as many as 10=6T,So 100(6T)+10(T)=2440,610(T)=2440,t=4 since T=4,6T=24,

Of course .....

please ignore my reply, looks like I had a senior moment.

number of hundreds --- h

number of tens ------ t

h = 6t

100h + 10t = 2440
100h + 60t = 2440
160t = 2440
t = 15.25 ----> not possible

Your data is inconsistent.

Rein is right

number of #100 notes --- h

number of #10 notes ------ t

100h + 10t = 2440 ...(1)
h = 6t ....(2)

Sub. Eqn. (2) into (1)

100h + 10t = 2440
100(6t) + 10t = 2440
600t + 10t = 2440
610t = 2440
t = 2440/610
t = 4

Put t= 4 into eqn. (2)

h = 6(4)
h = 24
Therefore, we have 24 #100 notes and 4 #10 notes.

Very correct!


Anna has #300 and ojo has #1860.if anna saves #50 a day and ojo spends #70 a day,after how many days will they have equal amounts?

I dont know

13days 5

To find the number of #100 and #10, we can set up a system of equations based on the information given.

Let's assume the number of #100 bills is "x" and the number of #10 bills is "y".

According to the given information, the amount of money in the form of #100 bills can be expressed as 100x, and the amount of money in the form of #10 bills can be expressed as 10y.

We are told that the number of #100 bills is 6 times the number of #10 bills, so we can write the equation:
x = 6y (equation 1)

We also know that the total amount of money is $2440, so we can write another equation:
100x + 10y = 2440 (equation 2)

Now we have a system of two equations with two unknowns. We can solve this system of equations to find the values of x and y.

Using equation 1, we can substitute x with 6y in equation 2:

100(6y) + 10y = 2440
600y + 10y = 2440
610y = 2440
y = 2440 / 610
y = 4

Now, substitute the value of y back into equation 1 to find x:

x = 6(4)
x = 24

Therefore, the number of #100 bills is 24, and the number of #10 bills is 4.