It takes 3 cups of granola and 2 cups of raisins to make trail mix if I want to make 15 cups of trail mix how many cups of raisins do I need?

Please explain steps to find x, I got 45 but I saw people got different answers??? Please help me and I just want to make sure.

2/5 = x/15

Cross multiply and solve for x.

5x = 30

x = 6

It will take 6 cups of raisins to make 15 cups of mix.

To find the number of cups of raisins needed to make 15 cups of trail mix, you can set up a proportion using the given information.

Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Set up the proportion using the cups of granola and raisins:
3 cups of granola / 2 cups of raisins = 15 cups of trail mix / x cups of raisins

Step 2: Cross-multiply to eliminate the fractions:
3 cups of granola * x cups of raisins = 2 cups of raisins * 15 cups of trail mix

Step 3: Simplify and solve for x:
3x = 30
Divide both sides by 3:
x = 10

Therefore, you would need 10 cups of raisins to make 15 cups of trail mix.

It's possible that others arrived at different answers due to errors in calculations or misunderstanding the question. However, based on the given information, the correct answer is 10 cups of raisins.