What line on a production possibilities curve shows the amounts of goods produced?

A. production possibilities frontier
B. opportunity cost line
C. utilization of resources
D. maximum possible production line

I thought it was D, but know I realize that it was so totally wrong...help


lol umm hold i'm looking but i think it's C but let me look

ok what i got was A but i could be wrong of course cuz i'm not in that grade but from what i think it's A i was wrong with C i think

Okee dokee thanks

np nirvana

The line on a production possibilities curve that shows the amounts of goods produced is called the production possibilities frontier (A). The production possibilities frontier represents the maximum level of production that can be achieved given the available resources and technology. It shows the various combinations of two goods that can be produced when all resources are fully utilized.

To determine the amounts of goods produced at different points on the production possibilities curve, you would need to look at the specific coordinates or data points along the curve. Each point represents a different combination of goods produced. For example, if you have a point (X, Y) on the production possibilities curve, X represents the quantity of one good produced and Y represents the quantity of the other good produced.

So, the production possibilities frontier is the specific line on the curve that shows the different combinations or amounts of goods that can be produced.