Given the following complicated business rules, create the appropriate Crow’s Foot ERD. (50 points)

a. A store may place many orders. (Note the use of “may”)
b. An order must be placed by a store.
c. An order contains at least one order line.
d. Each order line is contained in one and only one order.
e. Each order line has a specific product written in it.
f. A product may be written in many orders.
g. A store may employ many employees.
h. Each employee is employed by one (and only one) store.
i. An employee may have one or more dependents.
j. A dependent must be related to an employee.

To create an appropriate Crow's Foot ERD (Entity-Relationship Diagram) based on the given complicated business rules, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the entities:
- Store
- Order
- Order Line
- Product
- Employee
- Dependent

Step 2: Determine the relationships between the entities:

a. A store may place many orders:
- Create a one-to-many relationship between Store and Order.

b. An order must be placed by a store:
- Connect the Order entity to the Store entity using a one-to-many relationship. This relationship should be mandatory (1:M).

c. An order contains at least one order line:
- Create a mandatory one-to-many relationship between Order and Order Line.

d. Each order line is contained in one and only one order:
- Connect the Order Line entity to the Order entity using a mandatory one-to-one relationship.

e. Each order line has a specific product written in it:
- Create a one-to-many relationship between Order Line and Product.

f. A product may be written in many orders:
- Connect the Product entity to the Order Line entity using a one-to-many relationship.

g. A store may employ many employees:
- Create a one-to-many relationship between Store and Employee.

h. Each employee is employed by one (and only one) store:
- Connect the Employee entity to the Store entity using a one-to-many relationship. This should be a mandatory relationship.

i. An employee may have one or more dependents:
- Create a one-to-many relationship between Employee and Dependent.

j. A dependent must be related to an employee:
- Connect the Dependent entity to the Employee entity using a one-to-many relationship. This should be a mandatory relationship.

Step 3: Create the ERD diagram:
- Start by drawing boxes for each entity (Store, Order, Order Line, Product, Employee, Dependent).
- Connect the entities using the relationships identified in step 2.

Note: Make sure to label each relationship with the appropriate cardinality and participation constraints based on the business rules.

Once you have completed these steps, you will have a Crow's Foot ERD representing the complicated business rules given.