What percent of 88 is 33? Solve using Percent equation.

I solved for x in the equation 33=88x and I got 0.4.
Did I do it right?

Move the decimal point to the left twice and you have a correct percent


No prob

So when you round it, you get .01 %, right?

33*100/88 = 37.5 %

You did it right but to get percent from fraction multiply by 100 and your arithmetic is wrong.
33/88 = .375

The real question is:

33/88 = x/100

I get a different answer.

33/88 = 0.375
Move the decimal two places to the right.
0.375 = 37.5%

Let's check that.

0.375 * 88 = 33

Yep! My answer is correct.

Thank you!

You are welcome, Emma.

To find what percent of 88 is 33 using the percent equation, you are on the right track. The percent equation states that the part is equal to the percent times the whole. In this case, 33 is the part, x is the percent, and 88 is the whole.

So, your equation should be 33 = 88x.

To solve for x, divide both sides of the equation by 88:

33/88 = 88x/88

0.375 = x

To express this as a percentage, multiply x by 100:

0.375 * 100 = 37.5%

Therefore, 37.5% of 88 is 33.

So, it seems you made a calculation error. The correct answer is 37.5%, not 0.4.