A $15 item on sale for $12 is marked down what percent?

100 * $12 = $1200

$1200/$15 = $6000

Did I do the correct work, or is it this:

100 * $3 = $300

$300/$15 = $4500

Is the first work correct or is the second work correct?

Neither of your answers comes remotely close to the answer. You're looking for a percent not a huge dollar figure.

15 - 12 = 3

3/15 = 0.2

Multiply 0.2 to get the percent.

0.2 = 20%

I you sure is right

The first work you showed is incorrect, but the second work is correct.

To calculate the percentage markdown, you need to find the difference between the original price and the sale price, and then divide that by the original price.

First, calculate the difference between the original price ($15) and the sale price ($12):
$15 - $12 = $3

Next, divide the difference by the original price ($15):
$3/$15 = 0.2

To express this as a percentage, multiply the result by 100:
0.2 * 100 = 20%

Therefore, the item is marked down by 20%.