in a geometric sequence,the fifth term is four times the third term,and the second term is 4.if r<0 determine the value of r,the common ratio

a r^4 = 4 a r^2

r^2 = 4
r = +/- 2


To find the value of the common ratio (r) in a geometric sequence, we can use the given information.

Let's denote the first term as a₁, the second term as a₂, the third term as a₃, and so on.

We are given that the second term is equal to 4, so a₂ = 4.

We are also told that the fifth term (a₅) is four times the third term (a₃), which can be written as a₅ = 4a₃.

In a geometric sequence, each term after the first is found by multiplying the previous term by the common ratio (r). So we have the following relationships:

a₂ = a₁ * r,
a₃ = a₂ * r = a₁ * r * r,
a₅ = a₄ * r = (a₁ * r * r * r) * r.

Now, let's substitute the known values into these equations:

4 = a₁ * r,
4a₃ = a₁ * r * r,
4a₃ = (a₁ * r * r) * r.

Since a₂ = 4, we can rewrite the first equation as a₁ * r = 4.

Substituting a₁ * r = 4 into the second equation, we get:

4a₃ = 4 * r,
a₃ = r.

Similarly, substituting a₁ * r = 4 into the third equation, we get:

4a₃ = 4 * r * r * r,
a₃ = r * r * r.

Now, we can equate the two expressions for a₃:

r = r * r * r.

To solve this equation, we can divide both sides by r:

1 = r * r * r / r,
1 = r * r²,
1 = r³.

Now, we have a cubic equation: r³ = 1.

Since we are given that r < 0, we need to find the negative cube root of 1, which is -1.

Therefore, the value of r (the common ratio) when r < 0 is -1.