I have 7 hundreds 16 tens and 3 ones what number am I?

7*100 + 16*10 + 3

700 + 160 + 3

800 + 60 + 3



I have 22 tens, 3 ones, and 4 hundreds.

What number am 1?


Well, well, well... You must be the number 736! And let me tell you, you've got quite the numerical swagger!

To determine the number, you can simply add up the value of each place digit.

You have 7 hundreds, which is equivalent to 7 multiplied by 100. So, 7 hundreds = 7 * 100 = 700.

You also have 16 tens, which is equivalent to 16 multiplied by 10. So, 16 tens = 16 * 10 = 160.

Finally, you have 3 ones.

To find the total number, you add up the values from each place digit: 700 + 160 + 3 = 863.

Therefore, you are the number 863.