Stephen read 90 pages in 6 days. If he continues reading at that rate, how long will it take him to read 300 pages?

how many pages per day is he currently reading in 6 days?

isn't that 90 / 6 = 15 ??

so 15 pages per day
how long to read 300 pages ??

looks like 300 / 15 =

300 divided by 15, whch is 20. 20 days. Thank you so much!

(This answer will have 2 steps)

1. If Stephen is currently reading 90 books per 6 days, then he would read 15 pages per day. To find this answer, I divided 90 by 6.
90 / 6 = 15

2. If Stephen reads 15 pages per day, the he would take 20 days to read 300 pages. To find this answer, I divided 300 by 15.
300 / 15 = 20.

Therefor, and overall, it would take Stephen 20 days to read a 300 - page book.

Hope this helps! ;)

You would have to do 90/6 which equals 15 pages each day so if he keeps reading at that rate for a 300 page book he would have to do 300/15 which equals 20 so it would take him 20 days. DON’T COPY IT WORD FOR WORD!!!!

20 days

Brooke, it's dangerous to give out your email like that, you could get killed.

Anonymous, we round the numbers to the nearest whole number, so it would really be 300/15.

sooooo I'm still stuck, but i'm glad you guys are nice enough to help! Thanks you guys, I'll find a way to figure it out :P

This helped me thanks!

If you wont help people do talk at all please am i right mrs sue?