When you turn on a battery powered flashlight you transform...

1) heat into light chemical energy
2) chemical energy into electrical energy and light
3)heat into chemical energy and light
4) electrical energy and light energy into chemical energy

1. B

2. A
3. C
4. B

above answers are 100% correct for the quick check!!

Its B

Its B

Look I don’t know so listen to hit or miss and report meeee

Since when was there another me? I came up with my name.

The correct answer is:

2) When you turn on a battery-powered flashlight, you transform chemical energy into electrical energy and light.

A battery-powered flashlight operates using a chemical reaction that occurs within the battery itself. The battery contains chemical compounds that store energy, typically in the form of potential energy. When a circuit is completed by turning on the flashlight, the chemical compounds within the battery react and undergo a chemical reaction. This chemical reaction causes electrons to flow through the circuit, generating electrical energy.

Once the electrical energy is produced, it powers the light source within the flashlight, typically an LED (Light Emitting Diode). The electrical current flowing through the LED causes it to emit light energy, which is the visible light that you observe when the flashlight is turned on. Therefore, the chemical energy stored in the battery is transformed into electrical energy and light energy when you turn on a battery-powered flashlight.

you're transforming what's in the battery into light

now what's in the battery?

heat? is the battery hot inside??