Which of the following topics is the clearest example of the informative purpose?

A. a short essay describing a recent trip to New Zealand***
B. a eulogy for a deceased friend
C. a glowing movie review
D. a dialogue between two char

frfr, im taking the exam, and i need the answers

so what is the answer?

It’s a...

Little late?

^ Don’t @ me I’m not too sure

To determine which topic is the clearest example of the informative purpose, we need to define what informative writing means. Informative writing is intended to provide knowledge, facts, or information about a specific topic. It aims to educate or inform the reader without expressing personal opinions or biases.

With this understanding, we can now evaluate the given options:

A. A short essay describing a recent trip to New Zealand: This option appears to be the clearest example of informative writing as it aims to provide information about the trip, such as specific details, places visited, cultural experiences, etc.

B. A eulogy for a deceased friend: While a eulogy can contain factual information about a person's life, it generally serves a more personal and emotional purpose of paying tribute to the deceased, rather than purely informing or educating.

C. A glowing movie review: Movie reviews typically express personal opinions and evaluations of the film rather than providing purely informational content. Though they may contain some information about the plot, actors, and other elements, the primary goal is to persuade or influence the reader's opinion.

D. A dialogue between two characters: This option does not clearly indicate an informative purpose. Dialogue between characters usually serves a narrative or storytelling purpose rather than providing factual information.

Therefore, based on the given options, the clearest example of the informative purpose is A. a short essay describing a recent trip to New Zealand.

The answer c love

Identify the sentence parts by putting the red abbreviations to their correct locations. Put parentheses around the prepositional phrases. Identify the subject, verb, and any complements (direct object, indirect object, subject complement, objective complement).

The Grey-blue ocean stretched out before him