When copper is dissolved in nitric acid, a brown gas (NO2) is evolved, either by direct production of NO2 or by production of NO which is oxidized to NO2 by O2. Provide a Lewis drawing and resonance structures for the nitrate anion.

It is next to impossible to draw Lewis dot structures on this board due to spacing problems.

Put N on a piece of paper. Place three O atoms top, left, and right of the N. You have 24 electrons to add. Do them this way.
To the top O, a pair of electrons on the left side, a pair on top, a pair to the right, and two pair below (between the O and N which makes that one a double bond). To the O on the left of the N, a pair on the left, a pair on top, a pair on the bottom, and a pair between O and N (a single bond there). To the O on the right of the N, a pair between N and O, a pair on top, a pair on bottom, and a pair on the right. That is one structure. To draw the resonance structure, just rotate the double bond between N and the other O atoms. Here is a web site that does a fairly good job of showing what NO3^- looks like. Scroll down the page about half way.

Here is another site. Scroll about half way down the page.


Thanks Doc

To provide a Lewis drawing and resonance structures for the nitrate anion (NO3-), let's start by understanding its molecular structure and electron arrangement.

The nitrate anion (NO3-) is comprised of one central nitrogen atom (N) bonded to three oxygen atoms (O). Nitrogen typically forms three covalent bonds with three oxygen atoms, resulting in the formation of a negatively charged ion due to the addition of one extra electron.

Here's a step-by-step breakdown of drawing the Lewis structure of the nitrate ion:

1. Determine the total number of valence electrons for all the atoms in the molecule/ion:
- Nitrogen (N) contributes 5 valence electrons.
- Oxygen (O) contributes 6 valence electrons each, multiplied by 3 for three oxygen atoms, giving you a total of 18 valence electrons.

2. Place the central atom in the center and attach the surrounding atoms to it:
- Place the nitrogen (N) atom in the center since it is the least electronegative atom.
- Attach the three oxygen (O) atoms to the nitrogen by forming single bonds (N-O).

3. Distribute the remaining electrons:
- Subtract the total number of valence electrons determined in step 1 from the number of electrons already used in step 2. (32 - 6 = 26)
- Distribute the remaining 26 electrons as lone pairs on the oxygen atoms in order to complete their octet.

Now, let's draw the Lewis structure for the nitrate ion:

O – N – O
O -

Since the nitrate ion has a negative charge, an extra lone pair resides on one oxygen atom (the one connected by a double bond to the central nitrogen atom). This extra electron is responsible for the negative charge observed in NO3-.

Next, let's consider the resonance structures of the nitrate ion. Resonance involves the delocalization of electrons within a molecule, resulting in multiple possible Lewis structures that differ in the arrangement of their electrons.

To draw the resonance structures of the nitrate ion:

1. Move one lone pair from an oxygen atom to form a double bond with the adjacent nitrogen atom.
O = N = O
O -

2. Repeat the process to form another resonance structure.
O -
O = N = O

In the resonance structures, the double bonds alternate between each oxygen atom and the nitrogen atom, resulting in the delocalization of the negative charge throughout the molecule. This delocalization indicates that the nitrate ion is more stable than if it had a single Lewis structure.

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to draw the Lewis structure and resonance structures of the nitrate ion (NO3-).