in your explanation value |-3| is different from the negative number -3

no, they are the same

|-3| = 3

-(-3) = 3

OMG i love you soooo much @Reiny thanks sooo sooos ososososos much your me bae now :P lol well thanks love you alot

You are correct. The value of |-3| is different from the negative number -3. Let me explain the difference.

|-3| represents the absolute value of -3, which is the distance between -3 and 0 on the number line. The absolute value of a number is always positive. In this case, |-3| = 3, because the distance between -3 and 0 is 3 units.

On the other hand, the negative number -3 is simply a number less than zero. It is represented as -3 on the number line, indicating a value that is three units to the left of zero.

To summarize, |-3| represents the absolute value of -3, which is always positive, while -3 is a negative number itself. The absolute value is concerned with the distance from zero, whereas the negative number represents a value below zero.