In ''Concrete Mixers,'' what seems to be the speaker's feeling about the concrete mixers?

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hi i need help with this question.

To determine the speaker's feeling about the concrete mixers in the poem ''Concrete Mixers,'' you can follow these steps:

1. Read the poem: Start by reading the poem attentively to get a sense of the speaker's tone and the overall theme.

2. Analyze the language: Pay attention to the words and phrases used by the speaker to describe the concrete mixers. Look for any positive or negative connotations associated with them.

3. Identify literary devices: Look for any literary devices employed by the poet to convey the speaker's emotions. Metaphors, similes, and personification can provide insights into the speaker's viewpoint.

4. Consider the context: Consider the broader context of the poem. Look for any clues or references that could shed light on the speaker's perspective.

By closely examining these elements within the poem, you can determine the speaker's emotional stance towards the concrete mixers.