3. Customs give people______

A. a sense of identity***
B. the same religion
C. a sense that they do not belong
D. the ability to learn a new language

I agree.

ok thx! your the best!

You're welcome, sunshine.

ha righte

your correct :)

To determine the correct answer to the question, let's analyze each option:

A. "A sense of identity" - Customs can indeed give people a sense of identity as they reflect the cultural practices and traditions that are passed down through generations. These customs can shape people's values, beliefs, and behaviors, contributing to their sense of belonging and identity within a particular community or group.

B. "The same religion" - While customs can be influenced by religious beliefs, customs themselves do not necessarily guarantee that people share the same religion. Religion is a separate aspect of culture that may have its own customs, rituals, and practices.

C. "A sense that they do not belong" - It is possible that certain customs, especially if they are unfamiliar or if someone is from a different cultural background, may initially give individuals a sense of not belonging. However, this is not a general consequence of customs. In fact, customs are often designed to create a sense of belonging and connection within a community.

D. "The ability to learn a new language" - Customs are not directly linked to language learning. While customs may involve cultural practices and traditions that are communicated through language, they do not inherently provide the ability to learn a new language.

Considering the options provided, the most accurate answer to the question is A. "A sense of identity," as customs are often a significant part of cultural identity and can help individuals feel connected to their community or group.