Q:solve using multiplication principle then graph

-15x > -75

A: {x|x > 5}
when graphing the circle is open on the 5 and goes to the right

To solve the inequality -15x > -75 using the multiplication principle, follow these steps:

Step 1: Divide both sides of the inequality by -15. Remember, when dividing or multiplying an inequality by a negative number, flip the direction of the inequality. So we have:
(x < 5)

Step 2: The solution is x < 5, which means x is any number less than 5. We can represent this on a number line or graph.

To graph the solution, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw a number line.
Step 2: Locate the number 5 on the number line and mark it with an open circle (∘).
Step 3: Since the solution is x < 5, shade the number line to the left of the open circle (∘). This indicates that the solution includes all numbers less than 5, excluding 5 itself.

The graph shows an open circle at 5, and a shaded region to the left, indicating that the solution range is x > 5.