Write each addition vertically. Decide which new groups you will make. Then add to see if you were correct. 256+273=

To add 256 and 273 vertically, you start by aligning the numbers in columns based on their place values:

+ 273

Now, you can begin adding from right to left. Start with the ones place value, which is the rightmost column:

+ 273

Since the sum of the ones place (6 + 3) is 9, we write down 9 in the ones place under the line.

Next, move to the tens place:

+ 273

The sum of the tens place (5 + 7) is 12. Write down the 2 in the tens place under the line, and carry the 1 to the hundreds place.

Finally, move to the hundreds place:

+ 273

Since there are no more place values remaining, we write down the carried-over 1 in the hundreds place. The sum of 256 and 273 is 529.

To check if our addition is correct, we can reverse the process by subtracting 273 from 529:

- 273

If the result after subtraction matches the original number (256), then we can conclude that our addition is correct. Therefore, in this case, our addition is correct.